African Galaxy Granite

Kitchen Countertop Ideas  »  Granite Colors

African Galaxy Granite
African Galaxy Granite
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Name: African Galaxy granite

Stone Type: Granite

Suggested Use: Kitchen Countertops

Country of Origin: Zimbabwe

Colors: Mostly Black with reflective silver and copper-colored minerals

Pattern: Speckled

Designer Comments: With a consistent spattering of reflective minerals embedded in deep black granite, African Galaxy is aptly named, evoking the image of starry night sky. As you walk by and watch, the mica in this granite reflects back at you in various places, making for a subtle dance of light on the dark surface. If you like this material and cannot find African Galaxy in your area, scroll down to see some alternative granites, some of which have similar mineral contents.

Caveat: Image accuracy is not guaranteed. Because granite is a product of nature, you will not find material that looks exactly like this photo. It may be quite different! Be sure to hand pick your particular slabs in person before buying granite for a kitchen.

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